Quantitative Ability
Addition, Multiplication, Division, Fractions, Percentage, Rate of Interest, Work and Task, Ratio and Proportion, Distance, Bars, Case-lets, Data Sufficiency, and so on are covered in the syllabus.
Analytical Aptitude and Logical Ability Syllabus
Clocks and Calendars, Assumptions, Binary Logic, Blood Relations Data Layout, Data Structures, Direction Sensing, Coding-Decoding Series, Sets, Statements, Family Tree, Proposition, Puzzles, Seating Arrangement Syllogism, The Venn Diagram
Communication Ability
Synonyms and analogies Contextual application, Multiple meanings for the same term, Please fill in the blanks. Paragraphs jumbled, One-word replacement, In terms of completion and inference, Para-jumbles, Sentence completion, sentence correction, and reading comprehension Syllogisms, Verbal Logic is also known as Verbal Reasoning.
Synonyms, antonyms, words with similar meanings, singular, plural, one-word substitutions, idioms and phrases, accurate spelling, comprehending a scenario from a particular paragraph, and so on.
General Knowledge and Current Affairs
A full understanding of what is going on in the country and throughout the world is essential for all applicants to study, since it will be thoroughly assessed in the examination.